Methods to Boost Confidence in Yourself
Book: 100 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence: Believe In Yourself and Others Will Too by Barton Goldsmith
Boost confidence in yourself article image Photo by TOMOKO UJI

If you find yourself in a rough patch, in doubt, or in any type of problematic situation having confidence in yourself might seem impossible.

Look for a time to reflect upon your past successes and attune these positive emotions into yourself to regain your greater ability and confidence.

These successes are your seeds to feel better about yourself and your craft by giving it thoughtful time.

Once you have tapped into the ability to believe in yourself, your life will likely be more outgoing, and find that life doesn’t always have to be full of regrets and hardships.

Confidence is about enjoying your environment as much as you can, it is not about climbing the tallest heights.

Quick builders for confidence

If moments do get out of hand and you suddenly feel lost, there are numerous ways to instantly get a hold of yourself:

  1. Hygiene - Wash your hands and face. Brush your teeth. Allow yourself a fresher start.

  2. Acknowledge - Think about the people that know you and provide you with unconditional love, knowing that they exist allows you to have faith in yourself.

  3. Organize - If you have clutter lying around or a closet riddled with unfitting clothes, try to remove things that you longer need and provide them to others whose needs are greater than yours allowing room for anew.

  4. Revel - Try to reflect on your previous success and soak it in. This should remind you that what you have done before can be done again! If things went awry recently, however, accept that you can try again and learn rather than sulk and that should give you a boost.

  5. Cook - Think to yourself, when is the last time you created something and enjoyed it? If you haven’t recently or even attempted before, maybe now is a great opportunity to do so. Learn a new recipe, set the table, and prepare a tasty dinner. Knowing what you created fulfills a substantial need should grant you confidence.

Ways to improve your self-assurance

Listed below, are ten (10) thoughts that I have been trying to commit in my living.

  1. Practice, Practice, Practice To keep your art honed and confidence high, you must be able to practice what you enjoy daily. Sometimes, if practicing is for improving what you already have, that is also fine because that will set you for further goals however if you practice what you enjoy then the whole process becomes easier. When you know you are capable, the less likely you will lose confidence.

  2. Push Through The Upset We all have plans for an ideal life. You set your sights, take the necessary steps thinking these should arm you for the troubles ahead, and woe and behold, the unexpected presents itself. This happens more often than not, and it is human to be worried when things don’t go our way. It is easy to be occupied with what new trouble has risen however in the long run it is better to put your plans aside, and focus on the task at hand. Do not allow yourself to be derailed and keep a steady track. If you do manage to achieve your goal and not be easily distracted by life’s upsets, you won’t lose your ground and keep your head up high.

  3. Smell the Roses - Right Now! Being overwhelmed is the norm nowadays, employees rush to meet deadlines, deadlines rushed to create a sense of urgency, an urgency that will never cease to exist. We must be able to rein control of our time and think about ways to get objectives accomplished without diminishing our admiration for what is there to be enjoyed. One could not live a life of sweetness if one could not take the time.

  4. No Anxiety? Not Possible It is wishful to think that one could live a life without worries, however, worrying is a natural occurrence. It is in our biology to think that a shortcoming is a threat to our future. However, when things that we found in the past intimidating have been overcome, it contributes to our personal development and prepares us for what uncertainty the future holds.

  5. Real Courage True bravery is when you could push through life’s challenges even with doubt in mind. If you have the emotional capabilities to withstand the challenges, it should also give you confidence when you encounter new challenges.

  6. Skeepskin Confidence Being educated and learned is a force to be reckoned with, nobody else could throw you off track since you have a solid belief in what you know. This must not be foolishly associated with lazies and despots who proclaim they are profound and a never-ending well of knowledge. True education does not only come from traditional methods but it could be anything that adds essence to our humanity. Knowing that you could help yourself and others is a hallmark of achievement and not one to be trivial about.

  7. Strong Foundations One could not live peacefully in a house made with hollow materials just as one could not live an eventful and joyful life if one does not possess the fundamentals. Strive to be better, learn, and try to maintain or repair what good you know.

  8. Maintain The Machine Opposites do attract therefore so should like attracts like. You should always be attentive to your own needs, if you do good things happen and it is more likely that you could achieve your dreams. Therefore, put down your bad habits and try to practice better ones. Not only will it make you feel physically better but you might also inspire others to practice the same.

  9. Negativity Kills Confidence One’s confidence could not blossom in an environment of hostility. People must always position themselves where conditions are favorable. Try to find better relationships, surroundings, and people. Once the past is behind and self-reflection has been done, one could conclude that feeling good is the best part of living.

  10. Be Open To New Ideas True learning is attained when one is open to novelties when attempting to solve problems. We must believe in the trustworthy and competent individuals that surround us and never be confined in our spaces.